I am a new media artist and instructor.
I graduated from the University of Chicago with my MFA in Studio Arts. I examine how the body and digital spaces blend and clash against one another in my practice. The work also explores how users engage with technology and its control over their personal beliefs and daily routines. My practice and artwork aspire to become a catalyst for conversations and questions regarding these issues on the body, technology, and daily habits. The evolution of social interactions in digital spaces has blurred the physical and the virtual. The perception of an individual's body, identity, and psyche intertwines with their virtual persona(s). Consequently, questions begin to arise on how to distinguish between their URL (virtual persona) vs. their AFK ("Away from Keyboard"- physical persona) in a world where having a digital presence seems necessary in order to survive. Since I am questioning and manipulating how one utilizes digital tools for self-expression, knowledge, relaxation, and pleasure, these tools are sensible to portray my artistic concepts. Through the use of digital videos, soundscapes, desktop experiences, and video games, the formal qualities of my artwork allow for a discussion on the digital formats' inherent characteristics. The work experiments with digital mediums' constraints by trying to pervert it through glitching, pixelization, or other forms of digital manipulation. I have shown work nationally, internationally, and virtually.
I currently reside in Chicago and am a lecturer in Media Arts and Design at the University of Chicago.
Keywords: Cyberfeminism, glitch feminism, glitch, digital art, new media, cyberbody, virtual identity, Femme,
#inhale #exhale